英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-10 15:17:45

hold forth

英 [həuld fɔ:θ]

美 [hold fɔrθ]

给予; 提供; 滔滔不绝地说; 高谈阔论
  • 英英释义

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1. talk at length and formally about a topic

e.g. The speaker dissertated about the social politics in 18th century England

Synonym: discoursedissertate

1. hold forth的近义词

1. 给予,提供:hold down 压制;抑制(热情等) | hold forth 给予,提供 | hold in 约束,抑制

2. 滔滔地说, 提供:Lunorium 卢诺里乌姆牙科耐蚀铸造合金 | hold forth 滔滔地说, 提供 | wrinkle varnish 皱纹清漆

3. hold forth是什么意思

3. 大发议论,夸夸其谈:hold back:,阻碍;退缩;隐瞒 | hold forth:大发议论,夸夸其谈 | hold on:握紧;等候

4. 滔滔地说:hold fire 不采取行动 | hold forth 滔滔地说 | hold good for 适用

  • 近义词

  • 临近词

For Herod himself had sent forth and laid hold upon John, and bound him in prison for Herodias' sake, his brother Philip's wife: for he had married her.(先是希律为他兄弟腓力的妻子希罗底的缘故,差人去拿住约翰,锁在监里;因为希律已经娶了那妇人。)
As the bigwigs hold forth in Kabul, Afghanistan's future still looks uncertain.(领导大腕在喀布尔滔滔不绝,阿富汗未来依旧充满未知。)
And it may or may not reflect on the society that one of its more versatile verbs was "kalu," which in different contexts can mean detain, delay, hold back, keep in custody, interrupt and so forth.(并且它有可能或者没有可能反应了当时的社会,有一个多功能的词可能是“kalu,”它在另外的文本中的意思可能是阻止、推迟、撤退、监禁或者侵扰等等。)
The forth day: The hope seems appear. It's waving me which I must catch hold of.(第四天,希望似乎出现了,我必须抓住正在向我招手的它。)
So as you hold forth, please remember to listen with equal intensity.(所以,你可以讲出来,但是也要同样强烈地聆听别人。)
The theory which is once again put forth, that the Germans as such are inherently vicious, is hardly tenable and not very creditable to those who hold it.(那个再一次被提出的理论,即德国人天生就那样邪恶,是很难站得住脚的,并且对持有这一理论的那些人是非常不值得称道的。)
Lay hold on that mighty arm, and rouse it to put forth its strength.(紧紧地抓住全能者的膀臂吧,祂要给你力量!)
Yet somewhere under this cover, these conflicts and demands continue, grow, and multiply, only to burst forth when the moment arrives when the cover can no longer hold them down.(但是,在这层掩盖之下的某些地方,这些冲突和要求在继续生长和增多,反而造成这种掩盖不再发生作用时刻的到来。)
He is part of a new generation of academic stars who hold forth in cyberspace on their college Web sites and even, without charge, on iTunes u, which went up in May on Apple's iTunes Store.(他属于新一代的学院明星,其滔滔不绝的讲课可在学校网站免费获取。你甚至可以在苹果的ITunes网上商店下载。)
Some argue/ hold that…, but others set forth a totally different argument about the issue of…(有些人争论/认为鰔……,但另外一些人则对……的问题提出了完全不同的观点。)
hold forth是什么意思 hold forth在线翻译 hold forth什么意思 hold forth的意思 hold forth的翻译 hold forth的解释 hold forth的发音 hold forth的同义词